Gates for villas is simple and convenient to buy. You can come and choose a gate, which offer firms in a huge range, pay for them and order delivery and installation. However, if everyone can buy a gate to the cottage, then make them yourself will not be able to. Although, if you use some of our recommendations, you can try to do it yourself.
First you need the base under the gate. Mark out the area, dig two holes in which to place the posts for the gate. Use two metal pipes to do this. Next, prepare the cement mortar, insert the pipes into the holes and pour the mortar. Leave the mortar for 24 hours so that it hardens.
Next, you need: four strong hinges, a lock, a frame of metal angle for the wings and corrugated board for their sheathing. Fortunately, the colors of corrugated board, today presented in a wide variety, and here you can show all your imagination.
For example, a swing gate for summer houses, you can construct very quickly. Constructing a swing gate, you need to consider either the size of the street in the village, or the size of your patio. And on this basis, decide where exactly they will open. Popular among dacha owners are also sliding gates, but they require a place near the gate, where the gate leafs will slide. Roller mounted on a proper foundation allows you to move the gate in any way.
Choose one or another type of gate, take a measurement on the ground and transfer the result to paper. Next, you need to decide on the materials.
Beautiful and reliable look at the wooden gates for dachas, which are perfectly decorated with paint, choosing any colors in the same styles as the dacha. If the territory has a structure made of wood, these gates will fit perfectly into the landscape setting and will have a harmonious view of the site.
But most people today, prefer corrugated board. First, because metal is safer than wood. And secondly, maybe you had to arrange the roof, using profiled sheeting, and you have a few extra sheets. In this situation, the gate will allow you to save on the purchase of materials.
The gate can be clad with corrugated boarding on either side. If you want the construction to have the same look from the middle as from the outside, you can clad it from the yard.