There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a bath. First of all, it is its regular use and long service life. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances that will affect the comfort of staying in it, as well as the harmonious correspondence of the product to the interior of the room.
A comfortable bath is the key to a good rest after a busy day, and if it is in harmony with the design of the room, the prerequisites for the formation of a good mood are created every day. And here a lot depends on the material from which the bath is made.
Cast iron bathtubs are considered classic and have an enamel finish that is fairly easy to damage. With care, a cast iron bath can retain its attractive appearance for a long time. Cast iron is a durable material and retains heat very well. The strength of the material does not allow the product to deform over time. At the same time, for this reason, the forms of cast-iron bathtubs do not differ in variety. And before you buy a bath in Minsk, made of cast iron, you should take into account its large weight, which greatly complicates its transportation and installation.
Steel baths are deprived of such a disadvantage. They are the cheapest of their kind products, although they have no less attractive appearance. As the main disadvantage of steel bathtubs, consumers note a ringing noise when filling it with water.
You can partially cope with this problem with the help of a rubber gasket. Also, the cooling of the steel bath is much faster than that of other similar products. If you want to buy such a bath, you need to pay attention to the thickness of its walls, they should not sag.
Acrylic bathtubs are the most popular today. Acrylic is a special reinforced plastic with low weight and the ability to retain heat for a long time. The specificity of the material allows you to make bathtubs of various configurations from it.
To this should be added a large color range of products and excellent wear resistance. Minor damage that has appeared on such bathtubs can be repaired independently. Caring for such a bathroom is also quite simple. The main requirement here is the absence of solvents in the composition of the cleaning agent.
Andrey Ivanenko