Natural materials for building and finishing have always been very popular. In recent times, very often in the manufacture of interiors use travertine, which belong to a group of porous limestone, which are formed as a result of precipitation of calcium carbonate in hot and cold springs. Quite often the structure of such material contains imprints of plants and shells.
Travertine compared with the dense limestone has a lower density, characterized by cellularity and more frequent inclusion of shells. The presence of cavities and a large number of cells contributes to the fact that the machined surface of travertine clearly emphasizes the texture and color of the material.
In the process of use, you must take into account that the natural stone travertine has a higher density than onyx, but less than marble. In this regard, such material is usually used for finishing floors, walls and, in some cases, ceilings.
Travertine is easy to handle, because its density is somewhat lower than that of other cladding materials. Also, thanks to this, all the elements made of travertine, have a small weight, which greatly facilitates and simplifies the process of installation. This makes it possible to use parts made of this stone widely used for exterior and interior decoration of buildings.
Travertine belongs to the moderately abrasive natural stone, so it can be used in the manufacture of staircases and floor decorative elements in places with low traffic load.
Thanks to its high thermal conductivity this material can be used successfully for fireplaces. Travertine is not resistant to corrosive environments and acids, so it is not suitable as a material for the manufacture of countertops. Despite this, the widespread use of this mineral in recent years due to its processing on modern high-tech equipment of the last generation.
Tiles of travertine can be transversely and longitudinally sawn. A slab of such material, sawn crosswise and processed according to the appropriate technology, has the texture of wood. Most often on the market travertine is available in colors ranging from subtle cream to golden ochre. The material of bright yellow and red color is found seldom.