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Building a mezzanine

The mezzanine - an integral part of any apartment. It is intended for storage of various things. Types of mezzanines differ between stationary (above the ceiling in the hallway or kitchen) and furniture (as the top of your chiffonier or closet). A furniture mezzanine is usually used to store things...

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Repair of washing machines at home

Imagine, while the Soviet Union sent a man into space, the United States was already using automatic washing machines with might and main. We learned about such a necessary thing relatively recently. But no one is surprised how quickly "automatic machines" gained popularity. Now such a washing machine is an...

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Drywall partition

After marking, you can begin to mount the plasterboard partition wall. When there is no doubt in the ideal quality of the markings, you can begin the process of fastening the guiding profiles for drywall. It is mounted to the very foundation with usual dowels (which are designed for "stone"...

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Construction of cottages

Construction of cottages in Ivanovo Turnkey houses are by far the most economical option for building a home. That is why many clients are happy to try to purchase ready-made premises for houses, realizing that it is profitable both in terms of price and how much nerves and health can...

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Features of the system «smart house»

To date, there are a lot of different myths about the "smart home" system, so its popularity is not at the proper level. In addition, it should be noted that the vast majority of them are devoid of any good reason. In this connection it is necessary to consider in...

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The main criteria for choosing a bath

There are a number of factors to consider when choosing a bath. First of all, it is its regular use and long service life. Therefore, it is necessary to take into account all the nuances that will affect the comfort of staying in it, as well as the harmonious correspondence...

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